Donald and Melania

August 12, 2022

Deepest apologies to John Prine RIP

Slovenian village, dim lights, Saturday night
Oddballs and state security flashing their lights
Making clothes outta rags from a Gulag picture
Sat the bulimic daughter of Amalje and Viktor


Melania pushed her thougths like a bull
Behind her black eyes sunk deep in her skull
She read dictator propaganda up in her room
And felt just like Tito on Saturday afternoon

But scheming just come natural
Like the first bite from a snakey
Like Facebook feeding crazies
Like the evil deep in their heart

Shared beds, coke heads, Saturday nights

Studio 54 strangers under thousand watt lights
Staring off the rooftop out over the sod
Stood one of too many, a young privileged Fraud


There were chasms between Donald and whatever he said
Daddy had forced him to live in his head.
He envisioned the details of Teutonic scenes
After midnight in the stillness of the Trump Tower latrine


Hot case, cold case, no case at all
A portrait of Putin is hung on the wall
Nothing is wrong, everything is right
Donald and Melanie robbed the country blind.

They put arsonists in the Cabinet, they put liars on their teams
They put traitors in offices, they put toads on the Supremes
But when they were finished there was nothing to say
’cause all their corruption was pardoned away.


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