Dirty Work

January 30, 2021

Thanks to The Morning Show on AppleTV for playing a Steely Dan hit, Dirty Work . A wonderful, soulful tune about regret, yet acceptance. These lyrics brought to mind the current state of GOP establishment leaders. Having enabled a Mussolini-like President for four years and then seeing the mob attempt insurrection in their own workplace there was a millisecond of regret. But then like Stockholm Syndrome victims they embraced their abductor. They made their deal with the devil and now the debt is due. When Karl Rove opened the door to religious radicals and gun nuts to get pasteboard President Bush II the death spiral of the GOP was full on. Any thought of compromise or negotiation has been burned out of the party. There are of course some disbelievers (Romney, Liz Cheney, Michael Steele, etc.) who look for a party after El Caudillo Del Mar-A-Lago. They will soon be smothered by the mob and banished to their country club estates, western ranches, and clubs. Those still in office, who cower to the mob and their own gun brandishing colleagues, will have their heads next on the block. Our public institutions held on shakily this time. But with the take over in the statehouses and courts the Sans-culottes have been activated. The tools of minority rule, i.e. Electoral College, Senate filibuster, gerrymandering, and voter suppression, have cast the die.

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