Book Banning Alternative

March 16, 2023

“Now the self-appointed Morality Police are scouring our libraries for Greek mythology e.g. Oedipus, Zeus and others like that guy Onan (You know what book that’s from) to CANCEL. Rather than burning books and witches, I suggest they take the time to read Machiavelli, Greek mythology for Narcissus, and Abnormal Psychology texts concerning sociopaths to better understand their ruling Texas elected officials. The graver problem than just zealots fighting the Culture Wars is the self-censoring effect this campaign has on people just doing their jobs as best they can, e.g., librarians, teachers, and other public servants, i.e., your neighbors. When these hard-working servants are threatened by the power of the State, the mob rule weakens our society and democracy. A local instance is the disappearance of a September Hispanic Heritage exhibit at the city Public Library replaced by a Celebration of the US Constitution. Iran’s leaders would be proud.”

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